
Dear members of the UPCE,

We strongly encourage members of the UPCE to complete the survey. We believe this survey to be an important tool to increase visibility on workplace issues. The current response rate suggests that many of you haven't yet taken the opportunity to provide your feedback.

Good day members of the UPCE,

As previously mentioned, the Union of Postal Communications Employees has created its own scholarship program for UPCE members and their children. This is in addition to any existing Public Service Alliance of Canada scholarships that may be available.

The PSAC/UPCE has worked collaboratively with the Corporation to review the excluded positions as provided by the Appendix L of the collective agreement. In fact, the bargaining certification order has not been updated since 1993 and it is our position that it needs a full review...




The situation around COVID-19 and its impacts are unprecedented and require a response adequate for the current circumstances. 

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The PSAC has made this application to the CIRB in order to review the exclusions of bargaining certificate for the PSAC/UPCE bargaining unit.


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Dear members of the UPCE,

We strongly encourage members of the UPCE to complete the survey and provide direction to Canada Post. We believe the survey to be an important tool to increase visibility on workplace issues. The current response rate is lower than expected.

You should have received a survey and instructions in the mail.

We are pleased to confirm that the PSAC-UPCE finalized a longstanding dispute regarding the interpretation of Salary Protection, affecting primarily article 31.07 of the PSAC-Canada Post Collective Agreement on September 25th, 2019. On our last count, this decision should positively impact 26 members who were considered to be “red circled” by the corporation. 

Canada Post and its bargaining agents recognize that the postal service built to serve all Canadians also has a considerable environmental impact. Together, they acknowledge a shared interest and responsibility to reduce Canada Post’s environmental footprint. In April 2019, Canada Post and all their bargaining agents formally initiated a collaborative effort focused on the environment.

Jordan’s Principle is a child-first principle named in memory of Jordan River Anderson, a First Nations child from Norway House Cree Nation in Manitoba. Born with complex medical needs, Jordan spent more than two years unnecessarily in hospital while the Province of Manitoba and the federal government argued over who should pay for his at home care.
