Reimagining the Hybrid Workplace

Reimagining the Hybrid Workplace - Hybrid By Design

… Or when someone at Canada Post had an idea before finishing their first cup of coffee! 


Good day,


On July 18th, UPCE was informed during a National Consultation of a change to the Canada Post Hybrid workplace policy.  This announcement was not a big surprise for the Union, but the consultative process, or lack thereof, prevented the Union from raising concerns in advance and from properly discussing the needs of our members.   It was clearly stated that the decision was already made for a 2-day return to the office on October 15th, 2024, for non-ops employees. 

 Many questions remained unanswered and the rationale for the change was not supported by any data or analysis, but solely on what Canada Post thinks is best for you and for the company. 

 Here are some examples:

 Canada Post is claiming that the change to the policy is to satisfy the employees.  We are not aware of any member reaching out to the Union with a concern that they should be in the workplace more often.  Furthermore, there was no assessment done on psychological safety in the workplace; it appears that the employer doesn’t know or doesn’t want to know if the Canada Post work location is psychologically safer than working from home.  

 Canada Post is claiming that a return to the office 2 days per week would help with productivity.  Again, there was no data or analysis presented to the Union to show that the productivity was deficient with the current telework arrangements or that an increased presence in the office would improve it. The one size fits all approach will not be addressing individual performance gaps of the employees, if there were any. 

 Canada Post is claiming that the new hybrid workplace policy aligns with the corporate values, more specifically “Trust”.   Canada Post stated that “We trust our people to deliver on their commitments and perform effectively”.  This is an interesting passive-aggressive twist.  There is no trust in bringing employees back to the office without having identified any operational requirements or performance gaps. 

 Even though the Union was at no point involved or meaningfully consulted on the changes to the policy, there is significant work ahead to ensure proper representation of the members. 

 Here’s a non-exhaustive to-do list that the Union will bring forward to Canada Post:

  1.  Identifying the members impacted by the change,
  2. Identifying the Canada Post locations that are considered “Major Centres” where members will be expected to report to the office 2 days a week,
  3. Collecting members’ feedback,
  4. Conducting an Impact assessment of the changes to the Hybrid workplace policy,
  5. Ensuring the availability, readiness and cleanliness of workstations and workplaces,
  6. Ensuring the availability of ergonomic equipment and electronic equipment,
  7. Requesting flexibility for members’ individual circumstances,
  8. Getting confirmation that Head Office parking will remain free, 
  9. nforming members of the possibility to :
    1. Submit a Flexible work arrangement request
    2. Put their name of the transfer list
    3. Submit an accommodation request 
    4. Request Union representation in case of unresolved issues regarding the implementation of the policy.

 Finally, the parties, Canada Post and PSAC (as the bargaining agent for UPCE) have entered into bargaining and notice to bargain has been served.  That should imply a statutory freeze on existing working conditions.  Canada Post’s position is that the members’ return to the office after more than 4 years of telework is a normal business change, and not a change to working conditions.  We will follow up with the PSAC negotiator and decide what our next steps should be. 

 Please feel free to reach out if you believe that we have missed something important in our approach regarding the changes to the hybrid policy.  We will update UPCE members as soon as we have additional information.


In solidarity,


Claudia Labonté

UPCE National President